Green Matters

Green Matters – We live in exciting times!

The New Bideford Sustainability Group is taking shape!. There have been two meetings since the last Bideford Buzz was published; Twenty attended the first one and, at the second, there were twenty-six.

The only publicity we’ve used so far has been The Buzz – so that says something about its power to communicate.

What’s been achieved so far? Well, we’ve talked about what we’d like to do and there was general agreement to focus, in the first instance, on all issues surrounding food, its production, its transport, growing your own, getting allotments for those that want them, composting, etc., etc.
Raising awareness of the issues and encouraging others to join us was also high on the agenda; we’re hoping to arrange a speaker to come and mesmerise us in September – no other than Brigit  Strawbridge from ‘It’s Not Easy Being Green’.

We’ve set up a steering group and are hoping that other ‘focus groups’ will just naturally come about, depending on the different interests and expertise of those involved.

There was an initial meeting of  the Bideford Sustainability Group on Wednesday, 16th June. About 20 people have expressed an interest in promoting more sustainable living in the town.  It’s still very early days and, clearly, there are so many different directions we could go in. What we can do and how to go about doing it will be up to those of you willing to.

There’s so much we could do but only a limited amount of time and energy. How about coming along to the next meeting and helping to make a difference?  The idea is to promote ‘greener’ living, save money and have fun doing it!

For further information, date of next meeting, etc. email Stuart Fuller on : [email protected]
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2 Responses to Green Matters

  1. RoseArno says:

    email me at [email protected]

    sorry we’re still sorting the site

  2. Rose Arno says:

    Amy The details are in the paper version _I’ll let you know asap Rose

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