The Hakluyt Society

The Hakluyt Society

The Hakluyt Scoiety was founded in 1846. Over 150 years Publishing Scholarly Editions of Historical Travel Literature. The Society is inspired by and named after Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616) the famous collector and editor of narratives of voyages and travels and other famous documents relating to English interests overseas. An earlier member of Hakluyt’s family, (pronounced Hack-loot), is recorded as MP in 1304 as Hakelute, (not Hackle-wit). Hakluyt is of Welsh extraction not Dutch, as is sometimes supposed.

On the evening of Saturday 2nd March 2002, a gathering were impressed by the sheer wonder of the bravery and ingenuity of the first Elizabethans. Skilled sailors, who had navigated the Pacific and Atlantic in search of trade and new land to the Glory of the Sovereignty, had their tale told in rich ribald, by Sir Richard Hakluyt himself no less in spirit if none other. Philip Rose donned doublet and hose and gave a most splendid recount by the space of 4 turns of the hourglass of some of histories most remarkable sea adventures, told in the home of the late Sir Richard Grenville, of this town.

One anecdote of how the sailor’s decided to load 14000 dried penguins to return home with, only to find that when it rained a worm hatched and grew and ate their ship, sail, and sailor, gave a new meaning to the expression of “pick up a penguin”. Also how very significant good refrigeration and chocolate penguins really are.

We are reminded that as the known world has been discovered widely in the past, we the second Elizabethans are the explorers of the inner world, the treasure just as bountiful.

Special thanks to Philip Rose for a magnificent rendering and to his family for their gracious hospitality.

The Hakluyt Society – Registered Charity No. 313168. Map Library, The British Library, 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB. Annual subscription: £35, members receive all volumes issued by the Society (excepting Extra Series) during the period of membership. Currently this stands at 2-3 volumes a year. Excellent value and of immense interest.

Significant texts and translations appearing for the first time in print. Well illustrated with full annotation.

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