Lamb Tagine

Lamb Tagine

Something a little different to warm and lift the spirits in Winter
Delicious and very easy to make.

Serves 4
1-1.5lb diced lamb (neck, shoulder or leg fillet)
1 medium onion peeled and sliced
4 cloves garlic peeled and sliced
Olive or vegetable oil*
1 dessert spoon Harissa paste* (more if you like it very spicy!)
2 dessert spoons tomato puree*
6-10 dried apricots*
1 tin chickpeas*
salt to taste*
fresh coriander or parsley to garnish.

Fry the onions and garlic in a saucepan over a medium heat with a little oil until soft and becoming transparent.
Add the lamb and stir for a few more minutes.
Add enough water to just cover the meat.
Stir in the harissa, tomato paste, chopped apricots and a little salt.
Cover and simmer until the meat is just tender (1.5-2.5 hours depending on the cut).
Stir in the drained chickpeas and simmer for about another 15mins to allow them to absorb the flavours.
Serve with cous cous* or basmati rice*.
Sprinkle with roughly chopped parsley or coriander.
If you wish to make a vegetarian tagine you can replace the meat with butternut squash or a selection of vegetables of your choice and reduce the cooking time.

*Available from Mill St Deli.

Mill St Deli 01237 459282. [email protected]

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