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Author Archives: Tango Alpha
“Bideford Legends” – 2.
The Strand Cinema. The Strand Cinema was opened by Maurice Prince, Jewish entrepreneur, in 1938. During the war Maurice was a civil defence warden and he also helped Jewish refugees who were escaping from Nazi persecution by sheltering them in … Continue reading
Posted in Environment, History, Local People
Tagged Bideford Legends, Grenville Nursing Home, Strand Cinema Bideford
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“Bideford Legends” – 1.
Introducing “Bideford Legends”. My name is Tanya Harrison, I was born abroad and came to live in Bideford in 2017. By profession I am a Teacher of English to foreign students, not a photographer, not a writer, not an expert … Continue reading
Posted in Environment, History, Local People
Tagged Bideford Hospital, Bideford Legends, Bideford Library, Torridge Hospital
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A tribute to Peter Christie.
Peter Christie. We were very sorry to hear the news of the death of Peter Christie, Torridge councillor, author and historian, and loyal contributor to “Buzz”. He wrote a host of articles over the years, all of which have been … Continue reading
‘Upstream Thinking’ project has many benefits.
More than 40,000 native trees are being planted for farms and landowners to help reduce land run-off and improve natural water quality as part of South West Water’s catchment management programme, Upstream Thinking. The trees, which were provided by the … Continue reading
A Devonshire poem about the Piskies.
Here is an amusing poem in the local dialect by J C Harding, who spent his final years in the ‘White House’, which I believe was the name of the Bideford workhouse. Mr Harding filled an exercise book in his … Continue reading
The Huntshaw Church bells project.
Huntshaw’s Historic Bells drop into the limelight – After 500 years! For over a year the ‘Friends of Huntshaw Bells’ have been raising money through grants, sponsorship and events and have raised so far £17k. There is a long way … Continue reading
Posted in Events, History, Local People
Tagged bell ringing, Huntshaw Church, Huntshaw Church bell fund
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The ‘Way of the Wharves’ project.
‘Way of the Wharves’. The Torridge Estuary and Bideford have a long and fascinating maritime history with boat building documented back to Elizabethan times. On the east bank of the Torridge, opposite Bideford town, East-the-Water was an industrial and transport … Continue reading
Posted in Books, History, Local People
Tagged Bideford, East the Water, river Torridge, Way of the Wharves
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The “Freshspring” project.
Steamship ‘Freshspring’ celebrates four years in Bideford. During the Second World War, a fleet of freshwater-carrying steam ships was commissioned by the Royal Navy to deliver water to warships. These became the ‘Fresh’ class of ships and the last one … Continue reading
Posted in History, Local People, Shipping
Tagged Bideford, maritime history, SS Freshspring, volunteers
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Abbotsham – an historical note.
If you have been watching the last series of ‘Poldark’ you will know that the final episodes dealt with the threat of invasion in the West Country by the French. This threat was temporarily resolved by the Peace of Amiens … Continue reading
Heroine of India honoured with statue in Torrington.
A bronze statue of Sister Nivedita (1867-1911) was unveiled by Great Torrington Town and Torridge District Councillors in Great Torrington Cemetery on Saturday 27th August . Sister Nivedita, who was born Margaret Elizabeth Noble, spent much of her life in … Continue reading
Felicity’s sustainable fish cookery – March.
Finnish Herring Pie – baked herring with tomatoes. Ingredients. 4 /6 herrings. 2 large onions. oil/ butter. 1-2 ½ lbs of potatoes (6-med/large potatoes). S &P. ½pt. milk. Method. Scale and bone the herring and clean by … Continue reading
Buzz Byte; Alan Turing.
Do you know who Alan Turing was? Until I watched the 2014 film ‘The Imitation Game’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch, I did not know who he was and what he had contributed. Mr Turing was a highly intelligent mathematician and logician. … Continue reading
Felicity’s September fish recipe.
They have been catching salmon on the River Torridge for a thousand years and this year at the Appledore and Instow Regatta there was an advert for the Open Salmon Boat races, which said that back in the 50s, 60s, … Continue reading
Buzz Word.
Handy Cross POW Camp. I am from Oberhausen, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia. I am currently working on a concept for a book about the World War 11 from the point of view of a German prisoner who spent his captivity at … Continue reading
“Buzz” website policy.
“Buzz” now publishes online only, and we no longer produce a downloadable monthly pdf. We’ll maintain our archive of past copies and articles of community & local historical interest – a significant proportion of our 420-500 weekly visits are to … Continue reading