You write – February 2012.

You Write

Honeybees seeking a new home

I am the Queenbee living with my workers and drones in a hive situated in a lovely orchard but I have a problem.
My keeper has to travel nine miles to visit us. This means that she cannot visit us often enough to check that our hive is secure and that we are a happy colony.
We would like to live in or around Bideford which is such a buzzing sort of place. All we need is an accessible, sunny, quiet corner of a field, garden or orchard.
Please consider if you know of a bee friendly site and contact our keeper. ( details below)
Yours buzzingly,
The Queen
Do contact my keeper on 01237 472565, by email [email protected]  or by leaving a message at Bideford library.

Christian Aid

During the third week of May many people throughout the country give to Christian Aid Week through the house-to-house collection. You may have wondered what happens to the money you give and if it really does make any difference to the lives of people in the developing world.
In February, the South West Area Christian Aid team, based in Exmouth, is presenting a roadshow in Bideford and Barnstaple which shows just how much difference our giving does make, and their hopes and vision for the future. It is a multi-media presentation packed with information, ideas, music, refreshments and lots of thanks for the money our area raises each year. It is a great opportunity to see the difference and ask any questions you may have.
The date is Tuesday, 7th February, with a presentation and workshop at 2pm at Christ Church, Bear Street, Barnstaple, followed by the multi-media show at 7.30pm at Bideford Baptist Church, Mill Street, Bideford. These events are open to anyone. Admission is free – just turn up to one or both of the venues
Further information from Carol North (01237 425311).

Northam Lodge would like to give a huge thankyou to the Bideford Buzz Team for all their help in advertising their fundraising events during 2011. We had some very successful events and all the money raised goes directly towards making the lives of our clients more comfortable We rely on the Buzz to spread the word and please all look out for our forthcoming fundraisers in 2012 – like the Diamond Jubilee Cruise in June and the Northam Lodge Olympics Summer Fete in July. We look forward to seeing you all again!
Annabel Cope Fundraising and Publicity Assistant
HYPERLINK “mailto:[email protected][email protected]
Dwombles of Bideford
We are arranging  for a gang of volunteers, young and old, to meet up at our shop  (Blazey’s Mill St) at around 10am on 25 March, to walk around town with trowels and forks to smarten up the footpaths and shop frontages in readiness for the Easter visitors. We are going to be called “The Dwombles” (Devon Wombles) and hopefully we can meet up again to keep on top of it. We have a beautiful little town and should be proud of the diverse range of shops, pubs and restaurants that we have. We just need to add the finishing touches in readiness for the spring and summer holiday makers by tidying up around the town and posting some awareness leaflets through letterboxes.
Steve and Angela Blazey

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