British Naturalists’ Association – local events, 2025.

Celebrating Nature and the countryside.

The British Naturalists’ Association is a Registered Charity 296551

Please see below our events for 2025.

Tuesday, February 11th.

An indoor meeting at The Castle Centre, Barnstaple at 7.30pm. An

illustrated talk by Robert Irving on the “Success of the UK’s first

marine protection area off Lundy”. Friends, neighbours and relations

all welcome. Book stall and raffle. Admission £4 includes tea/coffee

and biscuits.


Sunday, March 16th.

A level circular walk around the recently created Otter Estuary

nature reserve at Budleigh Salterton. Meet at the CP* at 9.30am or if

going direct in the South Farm Road car park (Map Ref SY 070 830

)(post code EX9 7AZ) at 11.00 am for hopefully some interesting birds.

Packed lunch, warm drink and warm clothes.

Sunday, April 13th.

By popular request a visit to Dunsford Nature Reserve for a level walk

beside the River Teign. Meet at the CP* at 9.30 am or at 11.00 am if

going direct at Steps Bridge (Map Ref SX 803 882). Packed lunch, stout

footwear. Possible cream tea afterwards at the nearby picturesque

Fingle Bridge.

Sunday, May 18th.

A guided walk around the beautiful Marsland Nature Reserve for the

small pearl bordered fritillaries followed by a walk down to the coast

in the afternoon. Meet at The Pill car park in Bideford at 10.00 am or

at Marsland /Gooseham Mill (Map Ref SS 231 172) at 11.00am if going

direct. Bring a packed lunch. Possible cream tea afterwards.

June 2nd – 6th.

BNA trip to Dorset – contact Chairman Brian Sims in advance as

booking is essential for this break away.

Sunday, June 22nd.

A guided walk around Woodhouse organic farm for wild flower meadows,

birds, butterflies, dragonflies and possibly deer and otter.Meet at

the CP* at 10.15am or at 11.00am if going direct (Map Ref SS 714

221) (Post code EX36 4JH). Steepish in places. Packed lunch. Possible

cream tea afterwards.

Sunday, July 13th.

Discover some wild plant properties on a herbal plant walk on Braunton

Burrows led by John Breeds. Meet at the Sandy Lane car park (Map Ref

SS 463 350) at 11.00 am. Car park charge. Bring a packed lunch.

Possible cream tea afterwards.

Sunday, August 17th.

Another requested walk around Halsdon Nature Reserve, Dolton, through

woodland and along side the River Torridge for possible kingfisher and

sand martins. Meet at 11.00 am at the lower entrance (Map Ref SS 560

117) with sturdy footwear and a packed lunch. Possible cream tea


Sunday, September 7th.

A walk along the banks of the picturesque River Barle at Tarr Steps.

Meet at the CP* at 9.30am or in the Tarr Steps car park at 11.00am

(Map Ref SS 872 323) Bring a packed lunch. Level walking apart from

the car park down to the river and back. Possible cream tea


Tuesday, October 21st.

The red deer rut on Exmoor. Meet at the CP* at 9.30am or if going

direct then at the Simonsbath car park which has toilets (Map Ref SS

774 394) at 10.30 am. Bring a packed lunch, warm clothing and suitable


Saturday, November 8th.

Annual General Meal, at the Royal North Devon Golf Club at Westward

Ho!, 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm. After the meal there will be entertainment

before the serious part of the evening when you decide what outings

you would like for your branch in the forthcoming year.

Sunday, December 7th.

Coach trip to the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust site at Slimbridge.

Leaving Kingsley Statue in Bideford at 8.00 am and picking up by prior

arrangement at Instow, Yelland, Fremington and Bickington before

Barnstaple Square at 8.30 am. Return journey at 4.30 pm after the

feeding frenzy”.Although there is a restaurant on site it’s best to

bring your own refreshments as well as suitable clothing and footwear.

Non-members welcome.

Sunday, January 18th , 2026

Annual Birdwatching Bonanza. Meet at the CP* at 9.00am. If going

direct be at Dart’s Farm at 10.15am (Postcode EX3 0QH) visiting Dart’s

Farm, the RSPB Reserves at Goosemoor and Bowling Green Marsh, the

River Clyst, the Goat Walk and possibly Powderham. Packed lunch, hot

drinks, warm clothes. Level walking,


CP* is the former Park and Ride car park in Barnstaple by Park School.


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Bideford Phoenix Morris in 2025.

Bideford Phoenix Morris invite YOU to join us this year. To learn a dance or two, keep fit and have fun and join us dancing in and around North Devon in the Summer for a local Charity.

Every Wednesday night from the 8th January from 7pm to 9pm at Bideford’s Baptist Church Hall. Come along and join in the fun.


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Shipping notes No. 237 (December).

Bideford Quay.

Trinity House vessel Mair alongside.


Quorn still in shed, Atherstone alongside quay.

In port – Baltic Anka – built 2024: owners unknown; arrived 31/12, sailed 1/1/25; cargo either rape seed or animal feed.

Yelland Quay.

Deo Gloria4/12 2 trips, 5/12 1 trip, 6/12 1 trip. Between 7 and 10th No trips – vessel was anchored off Penarth sheltering from storm Darrah, and then into Avonmouth to discharge, prior to reverting to her normal program discharging at Yelland. 10Th 2 trips, 11th 2 trips, 13th 2 trips, 14th 2 trips, 15th 2 trips, 16th 2 trips, 17th 1 trip. Thereafter vessel returned to home base Garston on the River Mersey.

Bristol Channel observations.

1/12 at 05.45 vehicle carrier Grande Colonia, 12,292 tons d.w., owners Grimaldi Line of Italy, inward bound for Portbury.

2/12 at 07.30 vehicle carrier Emerald Leader, 10,819 tons d.w., owners Nippon Yusen Kaisha Japan, inward bound for Portbury. At 09.44 vehicle carrier Morning Charlotte, 22,578 tons d.w., owners Eukor South Korea, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 04.20. At 09.57 vehicle carrier Auto Eco, 16,995 tons d.w., owners UECC uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Portbury having sailed 05.10. At 12.29 vehicle carrier Autosun, 6,670 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 07.03. At 11.20 cargo vessel Eikborg, 3,442 tons d.w., owners Wagenborg Shipping B.V Netherlands, inward bound for Avonmouth.

9/12 at 15.21 vehicle carrier Autosun, 6,670 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Prtbury having sailed at 09.55. At 15.34 cargo vessel Lady Hanna, owners Wijnne & Barends Netherland, inward bound for Newport. At 15.55 cargo vessel Baltic Moon, inward bound for Cardiff.

10/12 at 11.48 cargo vessel Wilson Gydnia, owners Wilson Shipowning Norway, inward bound for Newport.

11/12 at 05.40 vehicle carrier Auto Eco, 16,995 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, inward bound for Portbury. (Seen again at 11.34 14th outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 07.35 13th). At 07.07 vehicle carrier Saic Anji Splendour, inward bound for Portbury. At 08.10 vehicle carrier Oregon Highway, 17,669 tons d.w., owners Kawasaki Kisen K.K Japan, inward bound for Portbury. At 06.15 cargo vessel Wilson Cadiz, 4,450 tons d.w., owners Wilson Shipowning Norway, outward bound from Newport having sailed at 00.16. At 08.17 cargo vessel Celtic Ambassador, 5,200 tons d.w., owners Charles W Willie & Co Cardiff, inward bound for Cardiff.

13/12 at 11.25 cargo vessel Lady Hanna, owners Wijnne & Barends Cargadoors-en-Agentuukantoren BV Netherlands, outward bound from Newport having sailed at 05.48.

15/12 at 07.02 vehicle carrier Lake Annecy, inward bound for Portbury. (Seen again at 17.00 19th having sailed at 10.10). At 08.35 vehicle carrier Turquoise Ace, owners MOL Auto Carrier Express, inward bound for Portbury. (Seen again at 13.43 19th outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 08.41). At 08.45 vehicle carrier Neptune Aegli, 6,580 tons d.w., owners Aegli Shipping Greece, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 03.38.

16/12 at 07.56 bulk carrier Apagon, inward bound for Portbury. At 15.41 vehicle carrier Blanco Ace, owners MOL Autgo Carrier Express Japan inward, bound for Portbury.

18/12 at 14.20 vehicle carrier Silver Soul, 27,564 tons d.w., inward bound for Portbury. (At 12.28 22nd seen again outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 22.15 hrs 21st).

19/12 at 15.58 tanker YM Jupiter, 15,995 tons d.w., owners Unicharter Line Turkey, inward bound for Avonmouth.

20/12 at 10.32 cargo vessel Tim, inward bound for Cardiff. At 14.42 bulk carrier Hadell, outward bound from Avonmouth having sailed at 09.09.

21/12 at 06.30 cargo vessel Tao Brave, inward bound from Newport. At 07.29 vehicle carrier Grand Detroit, 12,420 tons d.w., owners Grimaldi Line of Italy, inward bound for Portbury.

25/12 at 16.45 cargo vessel Barents, inward bound for Sharpness.

29/12 at 11.00 vehicle carrier Ruby Ace, 18,724 tons d.w., owners Mitsui OSK Lines Japan, inward bound for Portbury.




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Winter volunteering on Northam Burrows.

[email protected]


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One Hundred Years Ago – January 1925.

A collection of articles from the ‘Bideford Gazette’ during January 1925, kindly selected by Bideford Community Archive.

The eclipse of the sun on 24 January was marred by heavy cloud; the only features noticeable in Bideford were “a darkening of the sky and an unusual coldness”.

Bideford Rural District Council, Mr W Harris presiding, interviewed the selected four of the 21 applicants for the vacant post of Road Surveyor for the District and appointed Mr G E Muller, Member of the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers, and assistant surveyor to Goring Rural District Council, Reading. The salary is £250 a year, inclusive of travelling expenses. Mr Muller is 41 years of age.

Bideford Bridge – new carriageway opened to traffic.

At the recent examination of the R.A.M. and R.C.M. the following pupils of West Bank School were among the successful candidates; P Berry, A Reeve, and U Radford. Miss Mounthaes and Miss Benson prepared them.

A meeting will be held in the Bideford Working Men’s Conservative Club for the purpose of inaugurating a Society for Political Discussions.

R Blackmore and Sons, Auctioneers, have been instructed to sell Torridge View, 4 Buttgarden Street, Bideford. The stone-built house is described as being in a high, healthy situation and is connected with Town Water, main sewer and gas main. The main of the Electric Light Company passes immediately outside. The property was eventually sold after the auction for over £900.

Other properties for sale – dwelling house known as and being Duoro Cottage, Orchard Hill, Bideford, 1 Kingsley Street,

At Bideford Council meeting it was reported that the Bridge Trustees had presented two granite posts to the town, which were to be utilised at the entrance to the war memorial at East-the-Water. Mr Huxham, in moving that the Trustees be thanked said the gift was worth at least £80. A proposal to install a children’s sand pit in Bideford Park has been put forward by Councillor H W Fulford. Plans for the proposed new Bideford to Northam road (previously part of the Bideford to Westward Ho! railway line) are being forwarded to the County Council. Steps will be taken to begin the process of acquiring the necessary land.

An attendance of 180 patronised the dance and whist drive held by the local branch of the British Fascisti at Bideford Church Institute, a very pleasant evening being spent. The Mayor, Dr E J Toye, distributed the prizes to the whist drive and other winners: Mrs Brayley, Mrs Ross, Mrs Williams, Mr Seldon, Miss Shute, Miss Evely.

Bideford Bowling Club is holding a dinner at Tanton’s Hotel, on Friday, January 30th, at 6.30pm. All members are asked to make an effort to be present and the Committee invite them to kindly obtain their tickets on or before Monday, the 19th inst. to enable arrangements for the accommodation of visitors. The guests will include Mr R Hodge, of Torrington, the English champion, who will exhibit the trophy he has won.

Tenantry and workmen on the Yeo Vale Estate, near Bideford, have made a presentation of a handsome silver bowl to Mr Robert Lucian Kirkwood, of Eaton-place, SW1, and of Yeo Vale, on the occasion of his coming of age. The gift, which was forwarded to Mr Kirkwood in London, was accompanied by a letter signed by Mr W H Sanders, of Orleigh Mills and Mr Robert Lott. The silver bowl was supplied by Mr Truscott, High Street, Bideford.

A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Anglican Church of the Messiah, Toronto, Canada, the contracting parties being Mr C A Stevenson, of Toronto, and Emily Ellen (Nellie), eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T Backway, formerly of 24 Brookfield Street, Bideford.

The fiftieth anniversary of the death of Charles Kingsley, the great Devonshire novelist, was commemorated in Bideford, which owes so much to Kingsley, by the placing of a laurel wreath on his life-like statue which graces the entrance to the Park. A eulogy was delivered by the Mayor, Dr E J Toye, and appropriate references also made by Alderman J Cock, who was Mayor when the statue was erected in 1906, and Alderman A R Adams, who was Mayor in 1919, when on the occasion of the centenary of Kingsley’s birth a permanent bronze wreath with inscription was attached.

The death took place at this residence, 19 Lower Meddon Street, of Capt Robert Fisher, who was formerly a familiar figure in Bideford and was captain of the Spirit. He had lived in retirement for several years and was 80 years of age. He leaves a widow and one son to mourn their loss.

We regret to hear that Mr and Mrs W Mathews, 9 Dorchester Terrace, Park Lane, Bideford, have received information of the death of their son, William George Matthews, as the result of an accident. He was 34 years of age, was in the employ of the Imperial Tobacco Company, at Leamington, Canade, and was killed while at work. Deceased was a widower, and was making his home with Mr and Mrs C A Henderson, Mrs Henderson being his deceased wife’s sister.

Ships have been sheltering in the bay. The SS Lerina, returning from Lundy with Revd Hugh Muller on board, had difficulty avoiding wreckage in the fairway (an area marked by a buoy just outside the Bar). The crew managed to attach a “reliable rope” to a large section of mast which was drifting in the channel and tow it over the Bar to Appledore.

At Gammaton, Christmas came a little late. The Wesleyan Entertainment and Prize Giving was held on 7 January and featured Mr Bacon as Father Christmas.

And finally:

A story to watch in the coming weeks – Bideford Harbour Bill to go to Parliament.

A Happy New Year to all our readers from all of us at the Bideford and District Community Archive.


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Bideford Music Club concert diary.

See also website.

All concerts held in St Mary’s Church, Bideford. Subscription for 6 concerts is £82.50. Subscription for 4 concerts is £61.00 Single ticket at door is £16.50. Payment by cash, cheque or BACS. Students, children and accompanying carers tickets are free.

* * * *

Concert Diary.

Wednesday 12th March 7.30pm Gerard Flotats (Phillip and Dorothy Green Young Artist) & Julian Chan Cello & Piano Gerard Flotats Julian Chan

Wednesday 2nd April 7.30pm Ewan Millar (TilletTrust Artist) & Tomos Boyles, Oboe and Piano Ewan Millar Tomos Boyles


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One Hundred Years Ago – December 1924.

A collection of articles from the ‘Bideford Gazette’ over December 1924, kindly selected by Bideford Community Archive.

A notable feature of the Christmas was the overwhelming and unprecedented rush on the Bideford Post Office. All previous records were broken by the vast amount of inward and outward mails that were experienced at the office during the days preceding Christmas Day. Temporary postmen were employed, and these with the regular staff had difficulty in coping with the work.

Buy your Christmas presents from S. Metherell’s at 3 Market Place, Bideford. Or a Jones’ Family C.S. Hand Machine as supplied to H.M. The Queen.

A new debating society is formed – Bideford and District Debating Society for the Discussion of Current Events.

Mr George Cook’s retirement, after 48 years of continuous scholastic life was marked in a very pleasing manner with a presentation in Bideford Old Town Boys’ School, at which, as the ‘Bell’ School, as it was known, Mr Cook attended as a scholar, and in which as a Master he closed his long and honourable teaching career. The presentation took the form of a cheque which will be devoted to the installation of a wireless receiving set.

Torridge View, 4 Buttgarden Street, Bideford, is for sale.

Prizes in connection with the Poor Stock Charity, comprising cheques of the value of £2 downwards, were distributed at Bideford Elementary Schools, boys and girls, by the Mayor, Dr E J Toye.

Mr E T Frayne and Miss S P Braddick are married in Bideford Parish Church.

Justices Shearman and Salter, sitting as a King’s Bench Divisional Court, dismissed the appeal against the decision of the County Court judge (His Honour Judge Lindley) in the action brought by Mr Cloke, motor lorry driver, in respect injuries sustained through his lorry going over in the river on February 4th. Mr Cloke brought his action against the Bideford Bridge trustees and the contractors, Mr Westacott, who were repairing the bridge at the time of the accident. The County Court judge gave judgement against the trustees and by agreement made an order for the indemnity against the contractor.

At Bideford Hospital the Coroner, Mr G W F Brown, held an inquest on the four year old son of Mr Alfred Grant, a carpenter of Geneva Place, who died as a result of an accident in Abbotsham Road. The Coroner returned a verdict of ‘accidental death’ and the driver, Mr Pascoe, a driver for Mr Glover, was exonerated of all blame.

We regret to announce the death of the late Miss Maud Reynolds, daughter of the late Mr William Reynolds, of Wellington, Somerset, and the late Mrs Emma Reynolds, of Kingsdown, Bideford. The deceased lady had taken a very active part in the church life of Bideford for 40 years and …

The funeral of the late Mr W Dennis took place at the Public Cemetery, Bideford, the Rev J Morris officiating. The funeral of the late Mr W H Hookway, of 4 Queen Street, which took place at the Church Cemetery, East-the-Water, was attended, in addition the family mourners by a large number of deceased’s friends, while the Foresters were well represented. A large number of friends heard with great regret of the death of Mr Frederick Thomas Kivell, Riversdale, Torridge Place, East-the-Water, Bideford, after a lengthy illness, patiently and bravely borne. The eldest son of Mr Bob and Mrs Bella Kivell, the deceased was 42 years of age and was an old member of the Bideford Church Lads’ Brigade, and was for many years a member of the band of the Bideford Company of the old Volunteers. A keen and clever musician, his services were in great demand. He served during the war, but the state of his health since has been very precarious. Mr Kivell was held in high respect and the utmost sympathy is felt with his widow and relatives. The death took place of Mr Frank Trapnell, at the age of 79, who was for many years in business in High Street, Bideford, as a tailor and outfitter. For a short period he was a member of the Town Council, acted for a considerable time as sidesman at the Parish Church, and use to be well-known in North Devon hunting circles. Of a genial disposition, he was popular with his townsmen. He leaves a widow, son, and daughter, with whom sincere sympathy is felt. The death took place at 29 Honestone Street, Bideford at the advanced age of 83, of Mr William Garnsey. Deceased was by trade a leather-dresser. For about thirty years he was a member of the Old Volunteers, and he took a great interest in the Ancient Order of Foresters.

An atmosphere of light-heartedness pervaded the Bideford Hospital during the Christmas, laughter came from the wards, and the tasteful Yuletide decorations carried out by the Matron, Miss Jennie Jones, assisted by Nurses Williams and Morgan, made a joyous appeal for the several visitors. Friends were extremely kind with gifts, providing a pleasant time for all.


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Shipping notes no. 236 (November).

Bideford Quay.

Oldenburg left Bideford for Sharpness drydocking (via Lundy) 7th.


Atherstone still alongside the quay, Quorn still in shed. No commercial shipping this month.

Yelland Quay.

No shipping this month.

Bristol Channel observations.

1/11 at 07.52 cargo vessel Eems Dart, 3,725 tons d.w., owners Eems Dart B.V .Netherlands, inward bound for Newport.

2/11 at 12.15 vehicle carrier Centaurus Leader, 21,471 tons d.w., owners Nippon Yusen Kaisha Japan, inward bound for Portbury. (Seen again at 09.58 3rd outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 05.14). At 13.15 vehicle carrier Auto Aspire, 12,000 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 09.42.

3/11 at 11.05 cargo vessel Celtic Ambassador, 5,699 tons d.w., owners Charles W Willie Cardiff, inward bound for Cardiff. At 11.25 cargo vessel Saareman, inward bound for Avonmouth,

5/11 at 06.40 vehicle carrier Vega Leader, 16,396 tons d.w., owners Latte Maritima S.A Japan, inward bound for Portbury. At 10.45 container vessel Valdivia, 22,229 tons d.w., owners Dohle Schiffahts Germany, inward bound for Portbury. At 10.50 cargo vessel Eems Fivel, owners Eems Fivel B.V Netherlands, inward bound for Newport.

7/11 at 11.50 vehicle carrier RCC Honor, owners Ray Car Israel, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 07.46. At 13.40 ro-ro vessel Ville de Bordeaux, owners French, inward bound for Portbury. At 17.26 vehicle carrier Odin Highway, owners Japanese, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 12.06.

9/11 at 09.35 vehicle carrier Grande Italia, 12,549 tons d.w., owners Grimaldi Line of Italy, inward bound for Portbury. At 17.27 hrs ro-ro vessel Eurocargo Livorno, 10,780 tons d.w., owners Grimaldi Line of Italy, inward bound for Avonmouth.

10/11 at 09.07 vehicle carrier Neptune Aegli, 6,580 tons d.w., owners Aegli Shipping Greece, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 03.35. At 16.35 cargo vessel Spanaco Loyalty, owners German. inward bound for Newport. At 18.00 vehicle carrier Auto Advance, 12,457 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, inward bound for Portbury.

11/11 at 16.06 vehicle carrier Autosun, 6,670 tons d.w., owner UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 11.31. At 16.37 cargo vessel Anana, owners Netherlands, inward bound for Cardiff.

12/11 at 05.08 vehicle carrier Emerald, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 00.35. At 13.00 cargo vessel Prima Lady, inward bound for Newport.

13/11 at 07.52 tanker Aland, inward bound for Cardiff.

14/11 at 13.50 container ship Elbteam, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 08.14.

15/11 at 13.14 vehicle carrier Auto Achieve,12,456 tons d.w., owners UECC Unipersssoal Madeira, inward bound for Portbury. At 13.35 cargo vessel Patron, inward bound for Sharpness.

16/11 at 05.45 tug En Avant 9, 134 gross tons, owners Muller of Dordrecht Netherlands, inward bound for Avonmouth. At 09.46 cargo vessel Aeroe, outward bound from Swansea having sailed at 06.27. At 09.55 cargo vessel Frisian River, 2,620 tons d.w., owners Boomsma Shipping Netherlands, inward bound for Avonmouth.

18/11 at 11.06 vehicle carrier Goliath Leader, 20,955 tons d.w., owners Ray Car Carriers Israel, inward bound for Portbury. (Seen again at 11.10 19th outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 06.17). At 05.45 cargo vessel Eems Runner, owners Eems Runner B.V., inward bound for Newport.

19/11 at 09.17 bulk carrier Aasli, owners Aasne Bulk Norway, inward bound for Avonmouth. At 11.06 vehicle carrier Grande Detroit, 12,420 tons d.w., owners Grimaldi Line of Italy, inward bound for Portbury.

20/11 at 08.07 chemical tanker Stolt Jaeger, owners Netherlands, inward bound for Barry. At 14.19 cargo vessel Arklow Cape, owners Arklow Shipping Eire, outward bound from Swansea having sailed at 11.14. At 15.51 cargo vessel Arklow Venus, owners Avoca Shipping B.V. Netherlands, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 10.40. At 15.56 vehicle carrier Auto Advance, 12,457 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, inward bound for Portbury.

22/11 at 05.45 cargo vessel Miramar, 5,233 tons d.w., owners atobatc Holding Sweden Leasing, inward bound for Swansea. (Seen again at 16.14 26th outward bound from Swansea having sailed at 12.48).

24/11 at 11.47 cargo vessel Cornion, 4,933 tons d.w., owners Lico Leasing Spain, outward bound from Belfast (had been sheltering from Storm Bert).

25/11 at 17.03 cargo vessel Arklow Villa, 4,925 tons d.w., owners.Avoca Shipping B.V Netherlands, outward bound from Avonmouth having sailed at 21.45 22nd. At 19.07 vehicle carrier Neptune Aegli, 6,580 tons d.w., owners Aegli Shipping Greece, inward bound for Portbury. At 19.20 bulk carrier Propel Mission, 33,636 tons d.w., outward bound from Newport having sailed at 12.45. At 19.44 vehicle carrier Neptune Dynamis, 6,850 tons d.w., owners Dynamis Shipping Greece, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 22.01 22nd.

27/11 at 06.02 cargo vessel Wilson Durness, owners Wilson Shipowning Norway, inward bound for Cardiff. At 07.53 vehicle carrier Autosun, 6,670 tons d.w., owners UECC Uniperssoal Madeira, inward bound for Portbury. At 07.53 vehicle carrier Auto Advance, 12,457 tons d.w., owners UECC uniperssoal Madeira, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 03.50. At 08.01 vehicle carrier Laio He Kou, owners Cosco Shipping China, inward bound for Portbury.

28/11 at 06.12 vehicle carrier Toronto, 19,628 tons d.w., owners Wallenius Wilhelmsen Stockholm and Oslo, inward bound for Portbury. At 06.53 vehicle carrier Coral Leader, 12,164 tons d.w., owners Nippon Yusen Kaisha Japan, outward bound from Portbury having sailed at 01.46. At 16.44 cargo vessel Artica Hav, 2,324 tons d.w., owners Hav Bulk Norway, inward bound for Newport.

30/11 at 08.20 vehicle carrier Mediterranean Highway, 17,228 tons d.w., owners Kawaski Kisen K.K. Japan, inward bound for Portbury. At 14.23 cargo vessel Lady Habarka, 4,200 tons d.w., owners Wijnne & Barends Cargodoors-en-Agentuurkantoren BV Netherlands, inward bound for Newport



Photograph from my collection – Irish vessel LE Samuel Beckett.


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“Bideford Legends” – 3.

The Hamlyn property.

A fine listed building once the property of the Hamlyn family, who were noted decorators of the time.

(Interior photos courtesy of Rightmove).

*  *  *  *  *  *


The railway shed in Kingsley Road.

Another listed building, originally an engine and rolling stock shed owned by the Bideford and Westward Ho! Railway company.


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“Bideford Legends” – 2.

The Strand Cinema.

The Strand Cinema was opened by Maurice Prince, Jewish entrepreneur, in 1938. During the war Maurice was a civil defence warden and he also helped Jewish refugees who were escaping from Nazi persecution by sheltering them in the dressing rooms of the premises.

Here is the Cinema as it was –


And how it is now, as “Strand Court” –

* * * * * *

Grenville Nursing Home.

Grenville Nursing Home wasn’t as lucky as Torridge Hospital, next door, which survived as flats, perhaps because it did not have protected status.

Here it is in 2009, before demolition –

All that remains are a couple of walls –

On the site there is now a small playground and housing development –


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“Bideford Legends” – 1.

Introducing “Bideford Legends”.

My name is Tanya Harrison, I was born abroad and came to live in Bideford in 2017. By profession I am a Teacher of English to foreign students, not a photographer, not a writer, not an expert or historian. I don’t drive which makes me walk a lot, I am attentive to details and curious about the place. Bideford has its unique historical character which is worth memorising.

The aim of my project “Bideford Legends” (FB Bideford Legends) is to show the beauty of the buildings or images that are not very noticeable and sometimes forgotten, to highlight a different view on ordinary things and to encourage our community to share their priceless memories, knowledge, and experience.

* * * *

Bideford Carnegie (“Old”) Library.

Now they say the old Library will be converted, probably into a gym.

* * * *

Bideford Hospital.

The former Torridge Hospital, which was built as a workhouse. It still looks magnificent but it is said that people didn’t like going there because of its past.


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‘Postcard Pals’ at Bideford Library.

I would like to draw your readers’ attention to a project we are launching in Torridge called Postcard Pals.

This is a project which encourages people to micro volunteer by designing and writing a postcard to a stranger. I have several groups of volunteers who will be meeting to create the postcards and I now need people in the Torridge community to register as recipients.

The recipient can choose whether to receive a postcard monthly from a different stranger, or they can register to receive a postcard and to write one back. Bideford Library will provide the postcards and resources and organise the delivery and collection of the postcards so everyone’s details will be protected. The aim is to give people who may feel lonely or isolated a way of feeling connected without having to leave their home.


Libraries Unlimited.


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A tribute to Peter Christie.

Peter Christie.

We were very sorry to hear the news of the death of Peter Christie, Torridge councillor, author and historian, and loyal contributor to “Buzz”. He wrote a host of articles over the years, all of which have been saved for posterity in the Buzz Archives, and many which can be found on this website. He was a loyal supporter of the newsletter from its earliest days in 2005, helping us with funding via his role on the Bridge Trust, Bideford Town Council and Torridge District Council. He answered numerous questions posed by our readers on historical matters and was the ‘go to’ source for many local history queries.

He was also a personal friend and an adviser in my other role as Bideford Librarian.

All of us at “Buzz” send his friends and family our condolences at this sad time. We will miss him.

Rose Arno. Editor, “Bideford Buzz”.


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‘Upstream Thinking’ project has many benefits.

More than 40,000 native trees are being planted for farms and landowners to help reduce land run-off and improve natural water quality as part of South West Water’s catchment management programme, Upstream Thinking.

The trees, which were provided by the Woodland Trust, will be delivered and planted by Upstream Thinking partners Devon Wildlife Trust, and will see a range of native tree species like blackthorn, hazel and oak delivered to farms across Devon.

The native trees will encourage water to soak into the ground and thus help to stabilise the soil, reducing the rate of run-off from land into watercourses and thereby improving water quality. The trees will also help to capture carbon and increase biodiversity on the land.

The latest intake of trees will be delivered to around 60 farms across eight river catchments, taking the number of trees planted across the region by the Upstream Thinking programme to 260,000.

Tim Dart, Upstream Thinking Project Manager at Devon Wildlife Trust, said: “We are really pleased to be delivery partners on South West Water’s Upstream Thinking programme and for their support in delivering this important project to improve water quality and resilient water resources, along with the environmental benefits this brings for wildlife and people”.

Upstream Thinking is an award-winning catchment management programme delivered in partnership with Westcountry Rivers Trust, the Wildlife Trusts in Devon and Cornwall, the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group and South West Lakes Trust. The programme involves working with landowners to look at how land is managed to drive improvements in raw water quality in rivers across the region.

Eleanor Lewis, South West Outreach Manager for the Woodland Trust said: “The benefits of trees are numerous and we are pleased to be able to support the Upstream Thinking project. Partnership working is key and this highlights how organisations can come together to work with landowners and farmers to find solutions to some of the problems we face”.

South West Water is committed to boosting nature recovery through planting 300,000 trees by 2025, and expanding Upstream Thinking to provide benefits to 146,500 hectares of land by 2030.


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A Devonshire poem about the Piskies.

Here is an amusing poem in the local dialect by J C Harding, who spent his final years in the ‘White House’, which I believe was the name of the Bideford workhouse.

Mr Harding filled an exercise book in his own copperplate handwriting with a collection of poems that he had composed on a number of topics. They are of considerable interest for their subject matter; one is about the sinking of the Titanic, their political attitude (strongly imperialist), and above all their local concerns, such as Appledore lifeboat men, historical events, and the beauty of the district. A few, like this, are in dialect. I hope that readers today can still understand it!

Fortunately the manuscript has survived, as Mr Harding passed it to my grandfather Mr Jack Elliott of the Swan Inn in Mill Street for safekeeping. (My grandfather retired in the early 1950’s). I have owned it for many years, and now that “Buzz” has made it possible to bring it to the notice of the public I am sharing it, and will then send it to the Bideford and District Community Archive.

John Davies.


How Zammy Dawe zeed the piskies.

Wat es et young maister, wat es et yu zay,

Du I think thare iz piskies? I du then ees fay;

En wat’s more then thet , I kin tull ee ver shure,

I zeed min wan nite, out pin tap Burden moare.

Aw ees yu kin laff, en zay tes all stuff,

Bit zeeins beleevin, ees, thet’s gude anuff.

Wat,tull ee the story? Wull kum rest yer bones

Bezide aw ma basket, thare, tap aw the stones.


Yes yurs ago now, close pin mikkymes dey

I wiz working tu Stickypule vaarm, Welkin wey.

New wan day the maister zed, ‘Zam I declare,

Ef temarra want be the West Kintry vaare.

I mist geet awver airly , the marnin,’ sez ee;

En yu kim awn arter wi dree bastes,dee zee,

Ess,mist try geet min een tu West Kuntry zaale

Ver I think thare’ll be chance ver a purty gude dale.’


Next marnin dree Bullucks I draw tu the vaare,

En vury gude bizness the maister din thare.

Zo he zed tu ma, ‘Zam, yew kin vinish the day

But mind be hoam airly, tu late dont ee stay,

Ver I mist geet awver tu Harton chuch town,

Zo taake thicky shillun, tu du yerzel down.’


Wul yu knaw, times like thet wan draps pin owld vriends

Tedden mutch thet ee drinks, er eet wat ee spends,

The time slippeed by vor I knawed ware twiz tu,

En twiz tain vor I thawt thet et hoam I wiz du.


Wul I staarted awf hoam, jist a little bit vrisky,

Not nawthin like boozed, tho I’d had leetle wisky.

Twiz a ruff, lownsum rawd, en I’d seven mile tu go,

Bit a bewtivil nite, wi the mune all aglow.


I got awn purty wul teal I got pin the moare.

New it zimeed I cudden geet no vaarder voare.

The harder I tried,the moar I wid vind,

Er at laist es I thawt, I got vurder behind.

Thinks IZammy Dawe yu mist be piskie laid,

Ver I’d yurd zim quare caapers they little vooks plaid.

I wiz thare pin the moare, een a purty owld plite.

Aw Zammy owld man yu wuz maazed zure thet nite.

I keept waalkin awn, altho I wiz zure

I wiz offaw ma rawd een the middle the moare.

New awl ov a zidden a lite sheened out claare.

Thinks I tu mezel, thare’s a howze awver thaare


Zo I made ver thick lite es well es I may.

But tha vaarder I vaint, et vaint vaarder away.

Then tha thawt et kim entu me fulush owld hed

Thet’s a Jack een the lantern, I’m mitey avraid.

Thare wiz I Zammy Dawe es tired es a dug,

Avraid evvry minit I’d stick een a bug.

Me poare legs wiz akeen, me hed een a buzz

Zo I draaed mezel down be a gurt clat a vuzz.

I cudden a bin thare a minnet I’m zure

Wen the zownds aw sweet mewsick kim awver the moare.


The zownds kim cloase up ta ma thare ware I lies.

Aw massy, the zight wen I awpened me eyes,

Thare wiz hunnerds a leetle vooks dansin around,

Es thick es vuzz blawzim they cuvvered the grownd.

Zum dressed een gowld traade, en urd cloathes hed zum,

But nat wan aw min thare wiz es high es yer thumb.

Thare wiz zum riding rown pin the back ov a toad,

En zum ver a grasshopper wadden a load.

Thare wiz zum playeen mewsick, en zum aw min dansed

Arown een a ring they all galloped en pransed.

Zum klimeed the grass stalks es if twiz a tree.

Zich quare owld minewvers I never did zee.

But I tull ee, I wished mezel vaarder away,

Ver I thawt zim ould kickshaw awn me they mite play.


New the comicalest crayter yu ever shid zee

Kim away vrim the rest and made vore toward me.

He carred een hees hand a gurt stinging nettle.

Aw I wished mezel back een Westcuntryeen settle.


Then vaure he cud raitch ma, the nez thing I knaw

Wiz zumboddy baalin, ‘Yurs owld Zammy Dawe,

Out yur een the cairt howze,rowled up een the straw.

But whare heeth a bin tu I’m zure I dun naw,

Ver he’s cuvvered in mire, en I’m purty wul sure

He’th bin rowlin abowt all the nite awn the moare.’


En twiz true, thare wiz I, curled up nice en snug,

Ees rowled een the straw like a vlaay een a rug.

Howevver they little vooks carreed ma thare

I dun naw tu these day, bit I’m raddy tu sware

Een the nite I lied down out pin middle the moare,

En they mist a carreed ma hoam tu vore door.


Wats thet yu zay maister, ‘twiz tu menny whiskies’?

Aw no zur, I’m zure twiz they dratted owld piskies.

Bit ef yew nevver zeed wan a course yu dun naw.

Bit zeeins beeleevin at laist tu Zam Dawe.


James C. Harding.


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