A collection of articles from the ‘Bideford Gazette’ during March 1925, kindly selected by Bideford Community Archive.
The coasts all round Devon and Cornwall suffered badly by the gales. Roads at Weare Gifford were impassable to wheeled traffic for a time owing to floods in the Torridge Valley, caused by the heavy rains. At Hartland Quay the last end portion of the old Quay wall was washed away by the storm, and there were also two heavy falls of cliff, one on each side of the Hotel, which was undamaged.
Advertisements – Buy the new model Aeolian Pianola Piano from J T White. J U Fulford & Sons Ltd, Queens’ Wharft, Bideford (and at Bude) is calling. World’s Wonders and World’s Stores in Bideford.
The Terminus Inn, Bideford, renews its licence.
Fifty years’ service at The Bideford Gazette Office by Mr W H Hoare.
At a special meeting of Bideford School Managers, it was decided to further advertise for applicants for the post of certified assistant at Old Town Boys School, Bideford, Mr Cawsey having withdrawn his application. It was suggested that the words ‘with drawing qualifications’ should be added.
Miss May Harris and Miss Kitty Cann, pupils of Edgehill College, have passed the recent London University Matriculation Examination.
The death occurred at his residence, the Strand, Bideford, of Mr William Joce, JP, in his 93rd year. The deceased was educated at the Bideford Grammar School which at that time was on the site of the present Bridge Buildings. He took a very keen and intelligent interest in local affairs. He followed the career of his father, to a large extent succeeding him in 1886 as secretary of the Bideford Gas Company.
Funeral of Mr T A Fogaty.
Mr Stanley Bluett and Miss Florence Rogers are married in Plymouth.
A pretty wedding took place at Bideford Parish Church, the contracting parties being William Thomas, only son of Mr and Mrs W Beer, of Rocklea, East-the-Water, and Audrey, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs H Steer, The Bungalow, Upcott. Mr J Bonetta acted as best man. A reception was held at Rocklea.
The very handsome solid silver tea service presented to Mr G J D Wheeler on his retirement from the National Provincial Bank was chosen from the very extensive stock of G F Truscott (late Squires), Silversmiths, High Street, Bideford and Sidmouth.