One Hundred Years ago – February 1925.

A collection of articles from the ‘Bideford Gazette’ during February 1925, kindly selected by Bideford Community Archive.

Births – at King’s Arms, The Quay, Bideford, to Mr and Mrs Manning, a son; to Mr and Mrs R H Morrow, a daughter; to Mr and Mrs R Waring (nee Bertha Parson), a daughter; at Lower Meddon Street, Bideford, to Mr and Mrs A J Beer, a son (nee Doris Garland);

Silver Wedding – William Teed Braddick, son of Mrs J J Braddick, to Nellie Tucker.

The local Conservatives had a busy week, with meetings held at Barnstaple, Bideford and Hartland together with a Women’s meeting at Bideford. Mr Basil Peto MP and his wife attended all but the Hartland gathering.

A property – 7 Furzebeam Terrace, Bideford – is for sale.

At the close of afternoon school the senior classes of Bideford Old Town School met together to bid farewell to Mr H W Shute, who has been for over 26 years on the staff of the school and who leaves for the USA.

At Bideford, a very fine concert was given in the Lavington enlarged Sunday Schoolroom kindly arranged by Mrs E H Trapnell, in aid of Lavington Primary Memorial Hall Fund.

The 2nd annual prize distribution in connection with the Church Lads Brigade took place in the Bideford Church Institute. The proceedings commenced with a free tea to the boys and considerably over 100 lads sat down to a wonderful spread provided by the Ladies Committee. After the tea a concert was held at which the following ladies and gentlemen kindly assisted, Mr R Harper, the Rev Feles, Mr Johns, Mr Carpenter, and Miss Kivell’s theatrical party who gave a most amusing and excellently acted sketch.

Frederick and Albert Brock, labourers, were in court having been found in possession of nets known as “engines” and used for catching rabbits. This was the first prosecution under the Poaching Prevention Act in Bideford for many years, although twenty years ago such cases were very frequent. The offence is alleged to have happened at Turner’s Wood near Kenwith on land owned by Mr H N G Stucley. The men were also in possession of a ferret and a terrier. At a Children’s Court at Bideford, a twelve years old boy was summoned for stealing £4 1s 10d from an offertory box in the Vestry at St Peter’s Church on December 27th.

Mr A W Cock, offered at auction at Bideford the freehold shop and dwelling house known as 59 Mill Street, Bideford, in the tenure of London Central Meat Co. Ltd. Bidding went to £700 at which figure the property was withdrawn, but was sold the same evening at a substantially larger figure.

Bideford County Brewster sessions. Mr T Oerton, jnr, applied for the transfer of the license of the New Inn, Westleigh, from Mr J E Goss to Mr James William Brown. On the application of Mr H R Bazeley the music and dancing license of the Kingsley Gymnasium, Westward Ho! was transferred from Mrs P R Moore to himself. Mr W F Watts applied for the transfer of the cinema licence of the Gaiety, Appledore, from Mr Samuel Hawkins to Mr J A Penny. Mr Charles Pickard applied for a music and dancing license for the new Parish Hall at Abbotsham, this being a new application.

The funeral has taken place at Bideford Higher Cemetery, Rev J T Halstead officiating, of Mrs Bessie Barnard, widow of the late Mr Joseph Barnard, of Somerton, Somerset, and youngest daughter of Mr John Dullam, of Lower Yelland, Fremington. Her only daughter, May, predeceased her about ten years ago. Mrs Barnard was a life-long and consistent member of the Wesleyan Church.


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