One Hundred Years Ago – January 1925.

A collection of articles from the ‘Bideford Gazette’ during January 1925, kindly selected by Bideford Community Archive.

The eclipse of the sun on 24 January was marred by heavy cloud; the only features noticeable in Bideford were “a darkening of the sky and an unusual coldness”.

Bideford Rural District Council, Mr W Harris presiding, interviewed the selected four of the 21 applicants for the vacant post of Road Surveyor for the District and appointed Mr G E Muller, Member of the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers, and assistant surveyor to Goring Rural District Council, Reading. The salary is £250 a year, inclusive of travelling expenses. Mr Muller is 41 years of age.

Bideford Bridge – new carriageway opened to traffic.

At the recent examination of the R.A.M. and R.C.M. the following pupils of West Bank School were among the successful candidates; P Berry, A Reeve, and U Radford. Miss Mounthaes and Miss Benson prepared them.

A meeting will be held in the Bideford Working Men’s Conservative Club for the purpose of inaugurating a Society for Political Discussions.

R Blackmore and Sons, Auctioneers, have been instructed to sell Torridge View, 4 Buttgarden Street, Bideford. The stone-built house is described as being in a high, healthy situation and is connected with Town Water, main sewer and gas main. The main of the Electric Light Company passes immediately outside. The property was eventually sold after the auction for over £900.

Other properties for sale – dwelling house known as and being Duoro Cottage, Orchard Hill, Bideford, 1 Kingsley Street,

At Bideford Council meeting it was reported that the Bridge Trustees had presented two granite posts to the town, which were to be utilised at the entrance to the war memorial at East-the-Water. Mr Huxham, in moving that the Trustees be thanked said the gift was worth at least £80. A proposal to install a children’s sand pit in Bideford Park has been put forward by Councillor H W Fulford. Plans for the proposed new Bideford to Northam road (previously part of the Bideford to Westward Ho! railway line) are being forwarded to the County Council. Steps will be taken to begin the process of acquiring the necessary land.

An attendance of 180 patronised the dance and whist drive held by the local branch of the British Fascisti at Bideford Church Institute, a very pleasant evening being spent. The Mayor, Dr E J Toye, distributed the prizes to the whist drive and other winners: Mrs Brayley, Mrs Ross, Mrs Williams, Mr Seldon, Miss Shute, Miss Evely.

Bideford Bowling Club is holding a dinner at Tanton’s Hotel, on Friday, January 30th, at 6.30pm. All members are asked to make an effort to be present and the Committee invite them to kindly obtain their tickets on or before Monday, the 19th inst. to enable arrangements for the accommodation of visitors. The guests will include Mr R Hodge, of Torrington, the English champion, who will exhibit the trophy he has won.

Tenantry and workmen on the Yeo Vale Estate, near Bideford, have made a presentation of a handsome silver bowl to Mr Robert Lucian Kirkwood, of Eaton-place, SW1, and of Yeo Vale, on the occasion of his coming of age. The gift, which was forwarded to Mr Kirkwood in London, was accompanied by a letter signed by Mr W H Sanders, of Orleigh Mills and Mr Robert Lott. The silver bowl was supplied by Mr Truscott, High Street, Bideford.

A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Anglican Church of the Messiah, Toronto, Canada, the contracting parties being Mr C A Stevenson, of Toronto, and Emily Ellen (Nellie), eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T Backway, formerly of 24 Brookfield Street, Bideford.

The fiftieth anniversary of the death of Charles Kingsley, the great Devonshire novelist, was commemorated in Bideford, which owes so much to Kingsley, by the placing of a laurel wreath on his life-like statue which graces the entrance to the Park. A eulogy was delivered by the Mayor, Dr E J Toye, and appropriate references also made by Alderman J Cock, who was Mayor when the statue was erected in 1906, and Alderman A R Adams, who was Mayor in 1919, when on the occasion of the centenary of Kingsley’s birth a permanent bronze wreath with inscription was attached.

The death took place at this residence, 19 Lower Meddon Street, of Capt Robert Fisher, who was formerly a familiar figure in Bideford and was captain of the Spirit. He had lived in retirement for several years and was 80 years of age. He leaves a widow and one son to mourn their loss.

We regret to hear that Mr and Mrs W Mathews, 9 Dorchester Terrace, Park Lane, Bideford, have received information of the death of their son, William George Matthews, as the result of an accident. He was 34 years of age, was in the employ of the Imperial Tobacco Company, at Leamington, Canade, and was killed while at work. Deceased was a widower, and was making his home with Mr and Mrs C A Henderson, Mrs Henderson being his deceased wife’s sister.

Ships have been sheltering in the bay. The SS Lerina, returning from Lundy with Revd Hugh Muller on board, had difficulty avoiding wreckage in the fairway (an area marked by a buoy just outside the Bar). The crew managed to attach a “reliable rope” to a large section of mast which was drifting in the channel and tow it over the Bar to Appledore.

At Gammaton, Christmas came a little late. The Wesleyan Entertainment and Prize Giving was held on 7 January and featured Mr Bacon as Father Christmas.

And finally:

A story to watch in the coming weeks – Bideford Harbour Bill to go to Parliament.

A Happy New Year to all our readers from all of us at the Bideford and District Community Archive.


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