Information sought on a wartime evacuee to Bideford.

My father’s name was Anthony Arthur Newman. He was born in 1939, then evacuated from Bristol, I believe in 1942, along with his two brothers – my father was 3, elder brother 4, and younger brother 2 years old.

I have sought out organisations that supported my father with the after affects of life and evacuation and ongoing health problems. I know that he had spoken extensively to at least one of the counsellors in regards to his childhood and evacuation, but after that time, never spoke about it again.

I understand that he was evacuated to Bideford, but I’m afraid I don’t know which part of Bideford he went to. My mother recalls that that is where he was evacuated to, but can recall no detail. All I know is, the boys were evacuated and their sister, who was newly born, stayed in Bristol with my grandmother and grandfather. It all sounds very traumatic.

If anyone can recall any information on his time in Bideford, and if they could communicate by leaving a comment or by writing to [email protected] I would be very grateful.

Rachel Hussain.


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