One Hundred years ago
Horse Ambulance
It is expected that the Horse Ambulance required for the Bideford Hospital will cost about £70, and up to the present about £25.12s.6d has been subscribed
The Coal Strike
This strike which has lasted for many weeks is due to continue. All the workmen on the Tapeley Estate have been given a load of hardwood, which is most acceptable when coal is so dear. A recent conference between mine owners and men has failed. A Minimum Wage bill will apply to all grades of underground workers in mines. There are 1,842,000 miners idle and in addition nearly 200,000 on half time.
As good as butter
Nu-Wat margarine is as good as butter. Try it. Only 8d per lb. Each pound wrapped in muslin just as it leaves the creamery -not touched by hand – Farleigh’s Stores.
Mike Davy (from Bideford Archives)