Fly the Tarka Trail.

Fly the Tarka Trail on Google Street Map

The 33 mile section, between Braunton and Meeth, of the 163 mile Tarka Trail regional route has gone live on Google Street View. This means that anyone with access to the internet can get a street-eye view of the Trail on their PC. This is the first time that such a long stretch of traffic-free route has been incorporated into Google Street in England.

This is  part of a collaboration with UNESCO to provide visual access to World Biosphere Reserves and World Heritage Sites. The Tarka Trail was chosen as a gateway to the Biosphere Reserve to encourage visits, not just to the wonderful AONB coast, but also to the varied and beautiful inland areas and the gems that they have to offer.

Matt Edworthy from the North Devon AONB and Biosphere Service that manage the Trail  explains how the new resource could be used. “Being able to ‘fly the Trail’ on Street View shows how its character changes from the more remote areas south of Torrington to the busier areas alongside the estuary. We hope it will  encourage people to explore the less visited, more intimate stretches of the Trail

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