Northam Twinning Association

Northam Twinning Association

Northam Twinning with France and Germany has been going on for almost 40 years, with a good deal of bonhomie, entente cordiale and freundschaft during all that time.   Some of our members were there at the start, and we keep it going because we have such a very good time with our French and German friends.  Mondeville, outside Caen, Normandy, and Buddenstedt in what was East Germany, are our link towns, and for the majority of us, we ‘clicked’ straight away.   We soon  realised that we all have the same ideals, laugh at the same jokes, love our children, take pride in our homes and the hospitality we offer to guests;  we have  attended weddings as well as funerals, birthday and anniversary parties, and we all have  grievances about our politicians and the way our countries are run – plenty to talk about there!   Many families have spent holidays together, apart from the Twinning.

We would like more people to share the enjoyment we have with our European friends, and we invite anyone, family, couple, or single, to get in touch with us if they would like to join the Twinning.     The exchanges take place in the Spring and Autumn, for a long weekend, usually Thursday to Monday.   Outings and entertainments are arranged, and we find that we get to know each other better by sharing enjoyment.  You don’t have to speak French or German;   most of us get along with sign language and pidgin-English! It all adds to the sense of humour we share.

If you would like to join the Twinning and be matched up with a family,  or  would like more information, please phone Jenny Rickard on 01237 473479who will be pleased to hear from and help you.

Diana Warmington, (Twinning member since 1971)

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One Response to Northam Twinning Association

  1. Andrew Hill says:

    I live in Torrigton which makes Northam the nearest town that is twinned with one in Germany. I would like to join and renew my relationship with the country, its people and its language

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